Friday Freight with 2102

Special Announcement: Friday Freight with 2102


- RBMN’s 2102 pulling freight cars


The Reading and Northern will run a loaded coal train this Friday, ahead of the Schuylkill Haven Borough Day trips Saturday.

Friday's itinerary will include 2102 leaving Port Clinton mid-morning heading to Pottsville area to wye the locomotive. The 2102 will then pick up a loaded coal train at West Cressona Yard bound for Reading.

Finally, the 2102 will return to Pottsville area to wye the locomotive in preparation for the Borough Day trips in Schuylkill Haven Saturday.

As a side note, tickets are still available for Schuylkill Haven Borough Day trips on Saturday. 9-24-22! 

Click the button below for details and to secure your tickets!


Call our ticket office #610-562-2102

- Bridge crossing - Photo c.o. Adam K, “Ditch Light Productions”